Similar to Risk Treatment Plan permissions, Admins will have an ability to grant permissions to only view Project & Playbook tasks
We need to see all the assign and completed task by default as well small dashboard when its show by stage like new, completec and open.
Currently the 6Clicks Zapier integration has limited actions available.
Create Issue or Incident - This is available as an action in Zapier but the response returned is limited. I can see that the issues-api/1.0/issues can return more things after creation
Get/Update Issue or Incident - Currently there isn't a way to get or update an existing Issue or Incident in Zapier
Custom API Request - Some Zapier integrations have this option like Slack and Atlassian. It allows API request to any of the rest endpoint with the authentication already handled by the Integration. For example this could open up all of the 6Click Developer API endpoints to Zapier.
From the Users list, ability to select multiple users and delete all at once. Currently, users can only be deleted one-by-one.
Create QBA based on authority/control sets. Option to create question per provision/control or per short text custom field for large authorities (i.e. category)
Suggests controls from any control sets to link
Have the ability to limit the users what they could view in analytics.
For instance, if I don’t want all users to see all the risks and issues if they generate a report, it would be great for users to be able to see only the risks/ issues that they are allowed to see.
Currently, I am denying analytics for all users except administrators. But would highly appreciate to have this functioning as above.
Just as the integration with Jira for action tracking, integrating control responsibilities into Jira would provide similar benefits in terms of efficiency and visibility.
Can we move Custom Fields to sit between default fields, as per customer requirements?
Right now, all custom fields sit below default fields.
Currently it is either long text or dropdown.
Currently, a user needs to select the 'star' against specific risk assessment in the Risk Assessment tab, so its risk rating is reflected/displayed in the risk summary. This is an issue because if another current risk assessment is completed, the risk rating is not showing the updated information. If no star was selected, then it is possible that the target risk rating is displayed since the default setting is on showing the latest risk rating and user will misinterpret the information from the risk summary. It would be better if there is the ability to select the specific type of assessment so it will always show the latest assessment outcome against the assessment type.
Have the ability to apply rules to fields (such as mandatory fields - not empty) that are configured at Spoke level to further enhance field requirements when required.