Lookup lists for fields
shartleyOct 3, 2024
To prevent maintenance overhead, duplication of data and the risk of inconsistent data, it would be amazing to be able to point drop-down lists to reference/control data. That might be a custom register of values, or lists in the custom data admin page.
Thank you, Louis, yes that sounds like what I'm after. Happy to close this one.
undefined thanks! closing this.
Hi Louis, certainly. I'll try to explain with an example - say we have a custom register that contains job titles (roles), and we want to record which applications each role is allowed to access. At the moment we would have to enter the application name as text values as a custom field in the custom register, but this duplicates the list of applications we already have in the asset register. In addition to duplication of data, if someone changed the details of an application in the asset register, it wouldn't update in the custom register - loss of data integrity/accuracy. It would make more sense to allow relationships or linking between records - I'm not sure how this would be implemented in your platform, but I imagine being able to add a drop-down field in a custom register that retrieves its values from a defined source, such as another register's column, or a list in the custom data section, etc. This value would be the record/row ID being referenced, while the display value would be the field value. Hope that makes sense?
undefined thank you for this and yes it makes sense. Planned for Q4'24 is the release of Registers 2.0. This will allow you to link register items from different register items to one-another, meaning you can track linkages without duplicating data.
You can track Registers 2.0 here: https://roadmap.6clicks.com/feature-requests/posts/custom-registers-ui-ux-custom-fields-uplift
Would that support your needs?
Hi Shartley, could you please provide some more context around this to help us better us better understand the reaquest?