Ability for pixel perfect associated issues and risks to populate
stubinis@ctbk.comFeb 8, 2023
When using pixel perfect tables for assessment results in the report template, associated issues and associated risks for each control are not able to populate correctly. A related issues and risks section that work with pixel perfect reports or customization would be helpful.
This has been put on hold and will be picked up again in Q1 24
Louis do we have an indication on timeframe for this, and what specifically will be included in this?
belinda.edwards@cybercx.com.au We're introducing a new report-building language called ClickL which will allow you to add risk and issue data flexibly to your Pixel Perfect reports, and a heap more in terms of building report templates and baking in logic with respect to how they are generated.
Louis this is great news. Do we have an indicative timeframe for when we might see this please?
Hi stubinis@ctbk.com, updates are planned to Pixel Perfect, which will include improved risk and issue selection. That being said, if you are experiencing any issues with the current functionality, please reach out to support at support@6clicks.com.