We've introduced a significant update to standardize and enhance the functionality of all registers, including default and custom registers. This update ensures a seamless, intuitive experience across all the registers.
Custom columns – Configure and manage columns to tailor register views.
Sorting, filtering & bulk updates – Easily organize, refine, and update multiple items at once.
Item linking – Link register items to related records for better traceability.
Register-level permissions – Define who can access and manage each register.
Item-level access control – Grant specific users or groups access to individual register items.
Tasks & notifications – Assign tasks within registers and receive custom notifications.
Custom workflow stages & transitions – Define workflows that match your organization's processes.
Custom fields support – Extend item details with custom fields.
New UI experience – A modern interface for improved user experience.
Unique IDs per register – Auto-generated unique identifiers for each register item.
Settings & configuration – Customize item names, colors, icons, and enable/disable features per register.
Dev API support – Integrate register data seamlessly with external systems.
Self-service reports – Generate and view reports directly within the platform.
What has changed?
To align with these new features, a few changes have been introduced:
Issue actions are now called Tasks.
All custom register items will now have unique IDs for better tracking and organization.
IDs have been updated for:
Issues & Incidents
Old Issues & Incidents IDs will be made accessible via a custom field.
URLs using the old IDs will still direct to the Issue & Incident.
Issue & Incident Tasks (previously Issue Actions).
These enhancements bring greater consistency, control, and flexibility across all registers, ensuring a seamless user experience. We're also working towards bringing the Assets register to full parity with these capabilities and aim to complete this within the quarter. Your feedback is invaluable as we continue to refine and enhance the platform—let us know your thoughts!
Read more about Custom registers here!